  • charity_3.jpg
  • charity_4.jpg
In the system there are 9 type of users
Admin / Special/ Head of Kaabina / Head of Division / Head of City / Head of Payroll / Head of Box / Employee / Volunteer

Each User have their own role in the system where Admin have all of the access. Admin can create new user and set role for other users.

Here the Volunteer collect donation, gift, qurbani from diffrent person/department with a receipt no. After collecting they can deposit that to a bank with the receipt thumbnail upload.

The employee can maintain the expense of the charity to different sector.

Also there are receipt book allocation form, box entry, box collection maintained by the volunteer with is divided into city. Collection of city made a Division. Next Collection of Division made Kaabina.

So Each City, Division, Kaabina has its own Head to maintain those with their access.

At last there is a reporting system of all of the data with html and PDF export option.

You can check all of the functionality live in the url. You can access the site using the username=admin & Password=123
  • 1. PHP
  • 2. MYSQL
  • 3. AJAX
  • 5. JQUERY