  • eportal_3.jpg
  • eportal_4.jpg
Mainly there are two type of users for the system one is Admin and another is Employee.

Admin has access to all of the functionality of the system. They can do the following
1. Add New employee with personal details, Educational details, Set different vacation limit per year, Driving Record, Accident Details, Equipment Details

2. Add New document and assign them to different employee so that the employee can view the document.

3. Can approve the leave application from the employee.

4. Can add event to shared calendar which can be viewed by the employee.

5. Can view the report of accident and vacation.

Employee Can do the following

employee can manage the pay off, vacation, get shared document from admin, can view the official calendar, can view report related to office.

You can check all of the functionality live in the url. You can access the site using the username=admin & Password=123456
  • 1. PHP
  • 2. MYSQL
  • 3. AJAX
  • 4. JQUERY